
'Sooner or later we all sit down to a banquet of consequences'

Robert Louis Stevenson

Successive UK governments have for almost four decades been recklessly indifferent to the UK’s persistently low savings and investment, justified by the myth that it is not a priority for a services-led economy and that we can instead rely on continuous access to capital from overseas.

While other factors have been at play, this has left the UK with:

  • 15 years of stagnant per capita income (0% growth), a fall of 12 places (to 23rd) in the UK’s global ranking
  • an economic growth recipe and fiscal position which is unsustainably reliant on immigration (10+ million gross since 2000)
  • an irresponsible dependence on foreign capital, leading to debacles such as Thames Water

A total reorientation of public policy to the rebuilding of the UK’s savings and investment is urgently required.

This will enable us to restore per capita income growth, recover economic competitiveness and national sovereignty, and assure adequate retirement provision for today’s and future generations.

The time to act is now.


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